
Most of the wine we drink is aged about as long as it takes to get it home from the store.  That’s not necessarily bad. Lots of wine is simple, every night wine meant to be drunk soon after it’s been released. But really good wines—many of them anyway—benefit from aging for a few years […]

As a wine speaker who specializes in corporate events, I’ve watched scores of times when a tasting of great wines transforms the audience. An hour before, the group may have been in a business meeting, but once the tasting begins, everything changes. It’s not just that wine contains alcohol; something deeper is happening. People are […]

We’ve all heard it said that women are better at tasting wine than men. But can that possibly be true?  For most of my professional career as a wine speaker and wine author, I have been skeptical of the idea. But recently, I dove into the latest research. The conclusion? Most studies suggest that women […]

Every century, every place, has its legendary vintages. 1945 and 1961 in Bordeaux, for example, were called “vintages of the century.” Both are still remarkable to drink, for one of the hallmarks of such a wine is its magical ability to last for decades. In the Napa Valley where I live, the 2023 vintage, now […]